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English Literacy
Remediation & Early Intervention

Unlocking Literacy Success for Dyslexic and ADHD Learners


Welcome to Our Specialised Literacy Intervention Programme.


About Our Programme

  • Comprehensive Literacy Intervention: Tailored support for learners diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD.

  • Trained Executive Function Coaches: Our experts understand the unique needs of struggling readers.

  • Evidence-Based Approaches: Utilising Orton-Gillingham and Lindamood-Bell methods.


How We Help

  • Individualised Assessment: Identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Goal Setting: Collaborative goal-setting for improved literacy and executive function skills.

  • Executive Function Skill Development: Techniques for time management, organization, and more.

  • Targeted Literacy Intervention: Specialized support for reading, writing, and spelling.

  • Multisensory Techniques: Engaging multiple senses for enhanced learning.

  • Feedback and Support: Regular progress monitoring and constructive feedback.

  • Collaboration with Educators and Parents: A coordinated approach to support your learning journey.


Empowering Dyslexic and ADHD Learners

  • Build Self-Advocacy Skills: Learn to manage your own challenges with confidence.

  • Harness Assistive Technologies: Leverage technology to aid your literacy and executive function skills.

  • Promote Independence: Develop the tools to succeed in your academic journey.

About Shyla Mathews

Shyla Mathews, the lead Executive Function Coach and Literacy Intervention Educational Therapist, designed and developed this programme. Shyla is trained and experienced in ELA ( DAS ), OG & Lindamood Bell. Find more about Shyla Mathews & The Nice Movement read here.

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Transform Struggles into Success

Unlock Your Full Potential with Our Specialised Literacy Intervention Programme

Book Your Assessment Today

Benefits of an Experienced Executive Function Coach Trained in Literacy Intervention

An executive function coach trained in literacy intervention and remediation can provide valuable support to individuals, especially students, who are struggling with executive function challenges and literacy difficulties. Executive functions are cognitive processes essential for goal-setting, organisation, time management, and other skills crucial for successful learning. Sometimes Dyslexia may present itself with ADHD, and a coach can specifically:-


  1. Individualised Assessment: The coach can conduct an initial assessment to understand the specific strengths and weaknesses of the individual, both in terms of executive function skills and literacy abilities. This assessment can help tailor the coaching program to the individual's needs.

  2. Goal Setting: Together with the individual, the coach can help set goals related to literacy and executive function skills. These goals may include improving reading comprehension, developing effective study strategies, or managing time more efficiently.

  3. Executive Function Skill Development:

    • Time Management: The coach can help the individual learn time management techniques, such as setting schedules, prioritising tasks, and breaking larger tasks into manageable steps.

    • Organisation: Strategies for organising study materials, class notes, and assignments can be taught to improve overall organisation skills.

    • Task Initiation: For those who struggle to start tasks, the coach can provide strategies and motivation techniques to overcome procrastination.

    • Working Memory: Techniques to improve working memory, such as mnemonic devices and memory aids, can be introduced.

    • Flexibility and Adaptability: Individuals can learn how to adapt when things are unplanned, an essential executive function skill.

  4. Literacy Intervention and Remediation:

    • Phonics and Reading Comprehension: The coach can provide targeted literacy instruction, focusing on phonics, decoding skills, and reading comprehension strategies.

    • Writing Skills: Writing difficulties can be addressed through strategies that improve sentence structure, grammar, and writing fluency.

    • Spelling and Vocabulary: Strategies to enhance spelling and vocabulary can be integrated into the coaching process.

  5. Multisensory and Individualized Techniques: Drawing from literacy intervention methods like the Orton-Gillingham approach or other evidence-based practices, the coach can employ multisensory techniques and adapt instruction to the individual's learning style.

  6. Metacognition: The coach can teach metacognitive strategies, helping individuals become more aware of their thinking processes. This can enhance problem-solving skills and self-monitoring.

  7. Feedback and Support: Regular feedback and support are essential in coaching. The coach can provide constructive feedback on the individual's progress and adjust strategies as needed.

  8. Collaboration with Teachers and Parents: The coach can work collaboratively with teachers and parents to ensure a coordinated approach to support the individual's learning and executive function development.

  9. Technology Integration: The coach can introduce and guide the use of assistive technologies or apps that can aid literacy and executive function skills.

  10. Self-Advocacy and Independence: The coaching process may involve teaching individuals to self-advocate and independently manage their learning and executive function challenges.


An executive function coach with expertise in literacy intervention can provide a holistic approach to addressing a student's challenges. The coach can help the individual build a strong foundation for academic success by combining executive function skill development with targeted literacy intervention and remediation.

Specialised Literacy Intervention Services


Learn to Read: Early Intervention for Struggling Readers (Age 5 and Up)

Empower your young reader with early intervention to build a strong foundation in literacy.


Learn to Read: Literacy Intervention for Dyslexic Learners (Age 6 and Up)

Tailored support for learners with dyslexia, focusing on reading and language development.


Learn to Read & Manage ADHD: Literacy Intervention for Dyslexic & ADHD Learners (Age 7 and Up)

Address the unique challenges of dyslexia and ADHD, combining literacy intervention and executive function coaching.


Literacy Remediation for Students: Reading, Spelling, Grammar, Writing (Age 7 and Up)

Comprehensive support for students seeking to improve their reading, spelling, grammar, and writing skills.

Reading a Book

Features of our Programme

How It Works: Blended Learning : Face-to-Face and Zoom Sessions

Our flexible approach combines in-person sessions with online zoom sessions. Ensuring effective learning and convenience.

Pricing & Packages

  • Choose from 45-minute or 1-hour sessions

  • Minimum of 6 sessions to maximise progress

  • Complimentary face-to-face assessment (Non-Clinical) for all new learners

Limited Spots Available for 2024

Secure your spot now and embark on a literacy journey that transforms struggles into success.


1 / Who can benefit from your literacy intervention services?

  • Our services cater to many learners, including struggling readers, dyslexic individuals, and those with ADHD. We offer tailored programmes for various age groups. We work with students in the local and international school system.

2 / What age groups do you serve?

  • We provide literacy intervention programmess for children as young as five years old and continue to support learners of all ages, including adults.

3 / How do your programmes work?

  • Our programmes are a hybrid of face-to-face and Zoom online learning. They combine structured in-person sessions with the flexibility of online resources and support.

4/ What makes your literacy intervention programs effective for dyslexic learners?

  •  Our programs are drawn from evidence-based approaches, such as Orton-Gillingham and Lindamood-Bell, known for their success in supporting dyslexic individuals.

5/ Do you offer assessments for new learners?

  • Yes, we provide a complimentary face-to-face assessment (Non-Clinical) for all new learners. This assessment helps us understand the individual's strengths and areas for improvement.

6/What are the pricing and session options?

  • We offer flexible sessions of 45 minutes or 1 hour, with a minimum commitment of 6 sessions. Pricing details can be obtained through our enrollment process.

7/What sets your programmes apart from traditional tutoring?

  • Our programmes are not one-size-fits-all. We tailor our approach to each individual, considering their specific needs, learning styles, and any learning challenges they may have.

8/Can your programs help with improving writing skills?

  • Our comprehensive literacy remediation program supports reading, spelling, grammar, and writing, helping students become more proficient writers.

9/Is there a waiting list for your services?

  • We have limited spots available for 2024. To check availability, please get in touch with us immediately.

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