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  • Writer's pictureShyla Mathews

Part Two - Executive Function Four Part Series on Navigating Teenage Emotional Dysregulation: A Journey of Understanding, Clarity and Support.

PART 2: How Parents Can Support Their Emotionally Dysregulated Teenager

Teenager affected by Emotional Dysregulation

There is hope amidst the challenges associated with Emotional Dysregulation. Parents, in particular, play a vital role in supporting their teenagers through emotional dysregulation. But to do so effectively, they must first cultivate awareness of their own emotional patterns and triggers. As teenagers learn to navigate their emotions, parents must model healthy emotional regulation behaviours. By acknowledging their own struggles and demonstrating constructive coping strategies, parents create a nurturing environment where teenagers feel safe to explore and express their feelings.

Communication is another cornerstone of support for teenagers grappling with emotional dysregulation. Encouraging open and honest dialogue allows teenagers to articulate their emotions and seek assistance when needed. Active listening, empathy, and validation are essential components of effective communication, fostering trust and understanding between parents and teenagers.

In addition to parental support, teenagers can benefit from a variety of resources to help them manage emotional dysregulation. Therapy, whether individual or family-based, offers a safe space for teenagers to explore their emotions and develop coping strategies. Cognitive-behavioural techniques, mindfulness practices, and stress-reduction activities can also empower teenagers to regain control over their emotional responses.

Furthermore, peer support networks and online communities provide valuable sources of solidarity and encouragement. Connecting with others who share similar experiences fosters a sense of belonging and reduces feelings of isolation.

In conclusion, being a teenager with emotional dysregulation is a journey filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. By understanding the science behind emotional regulation, fostering awareness of their own emotions, and providing unwavering support, parents can help their teenagers navigate this tumultuous terrain. Together, with patience, empathy, and resilience, teenagers can learn to harness the power of their emotions and embark on a path towards emotional well-being.


Tips for Parents on How to Help Their Teenagers

Supporting a teenager struggling with emotional dysregulation can be a challenging but enriching journey for parents. Here are some tips to help parents provide practical support:

1.Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about emotional dysregulation and its impact on teenagers. Understanding the underlying causes and common symptoms will help you approach the situation with empathy and insight.

2. Model Healthy Emotional Regulation: Children learn by example, so strive to model healthy emotion regulation behaviours in your own life. Practice self-awareness, mindfulness, and effective coping strategies, demonstrating to your teenager how to manage emotions constructively.

3.Create a Safe Environment: Foster an open and non-judgmental atmosphere where your teenager feels comfortable expressing their emotions. Encourage honest communication and assure them that their feelings are valid and respected.

4. Validate Their Feelings: Validate your teenager's emotions by acknowledging their experiences and empathising with their struggles. Avoid dismissing or trivialising their feelings, even if you don't fully understand or agree with them.

5.Set Clear Boundaries: Establish clear and consistent boundaries regarding acceptable behaviour and consequences. While it's essential to understand your teenager's challenges, it's also necessary to maintain structure and discipline in the household.

6.Practice Active Listening: Listen to your teenager attentively and without judgment. Allow them to express themselves fully without interrupting or offering unsolicited advice. Reflect back on what you hear to demonstrate understanding and validation.

7.Encourage Problem-Solving Skills: Help your teenager develop problem-solving skills by encouraging them to identify the underlying causes of their emotions and brainstorm potential solutions together. Empower them to take ownership of their feelings and actions.

8.Provide Emotional Support: Be there for your teenager during times of distress, offering comfort, reassurance, and encouragement. Let them know that you are not alone and are there to support them unconditionally.

9. Seek Professional Help if Needed: If your teenager's emotional dysregulation significantly impacts their daily functioning or well-being, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counsellor. Professional intervention can provide additional support and guidance tailored to your teenager's specific needs.

10.Take Care of Yourself: Remember to prioritize your own well-being as a parent. Managing a teenager's emotional dysregulation can be emotionally taxing, so make sure to practice self-care and seek support from friends, family, or support groups when needed.

By implementing these tips and approaches, parents can play a crucial role in supporting their teenagers through emotional dysregulation and helping them develop healthy coping mechanisms for navigating life's challenges.


The article is not meant to be exhaustive and does not replace information, advice and professional support from a therapist.


In PART THREE of this series, we provide practical tips for teenagers seeking support.

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