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Leading the Way in Executive Function Coaching

This site is dedicated to the Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Community. However our brains work, we still need to thrive at home, school and work.  The NICE Movement encourages Inclusivity, Collaboration and Equity through our Coach - Approach to Intervention and Remediation for Executive Functioning, Literacy and ADHD.

Executive Function Coaching

We Help Rewrite Stories by Turning Struggles into Strengths and Words into Meaning.

Executive Function Coaching

Unlock the keys to long-term success with our Executive Function Coaching programme. Effective time management, organisation, and planning are essential for achieving academic and life goals. Our dedicated coaches work closely with students to:

  •  Develop effective study habits

  •  Enhance time management skills

  •  Build strong organizational techniques

  •  Cultivate goal-setting and planning abilities

  • Foster self-motivation and confidence


With our support, students will excel academically and acquire valuable life skills that will serve them well into adulthood.

Literacy Intervention

Reading is the gateway to knowledge, and we are committed to ensuring every student becomes confident and proficient. Our literacy intervention programmme offers:

  • Personalised reading assessments

  • Targeted intervention strategies

  • One-on-one coaching to improve reading comprehension

  • Building a lifelong love for reading and learning

ADHD Support and Intervention

Navigating academic life with ADHD can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be! Our specialised ADHD support and intervention programme is designed to help students with ADHD thrive. Our dedicated team will:

  • Provide tailored strategies for managing ADHD symptoms

  • Foster self-awareness and self-regulation

  • Teach techniques for improved focus and attention

  • Develop executive function skills tailored to ADHD needs

  • Empower students to succeed academically and personally

We believe that every student, regardless of their challenges, has the potential to achieve greatness. Let us help you unlock that potential!

Seminars & Workshops

Our transformative Executive Function Seminars and workshops offer:

  • Interactive Learning: Dive deep into the world of executive function through engaging activities and real-life scenarios.

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from seasoned experts in executive function. 

  • Customised Strategies: Discover personalised strategies that work best for you. 

  • Holistic Approach: Our seminars go beyond academics – we focus on developing skills that will benefit every aspect of your life, from school to work. 

If you’d like more information about how we can help you,

get in touch today.

Amy Tan, Mother of 7 year old

“ Shyla's approach is very personalised. She got my daughter to read in 10 sessions while managing her ADHD. She even wrote a book just for my daughter based on her favourite characters"

Jamie, Age 15

"Aunty Shyla helped we work through my execution function challenges in secondary school. Her sessions were always different. She got me and that helped me to feel less alone"

Noah, Father of  12 year old

"My son looks forward to his sessions with Shyla. He is motivated and willing to try new strategies. His confidence is the biggest change".

Aaron, Age 19

“ I struggled with transitioning to University. Shyla worked with me to address my Executive Function Challenges. Within a year I was able to achieve my goals".
Executive Function Coaching

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